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GrantStation Subscription



Did you know that all members of GPA receive Full Membership Access to for your grantseeking work!
Note: If you are a current member of GPA, login and click on the GrantStation Access link under the Membership - Access Member Benefits tab in the top menu bar.


GrantStation provides the tools for you to FIND new grant sources, BUILD a strong grantseeking program, and WRITE winning grant proposals, to WIN grant awards to fund your mission!

  • Prepare - Before searching, you can create a project summary on your dashboard to help you focus your research.
  • Save - When you use any of the sections for finding grantmakers, in the list of results you will see the option to save any of the grantmaker profiles to your dashboard.
  • Organize -You can then put those grantmakers into a grants plan in your dashboard for managing the next steps in submitting requests.
  • Re-Search - You can even save your search criteria so that you can rerun it periodically to find new sources.

So, what are you waiting for? Join GPA today to begin taking advantage of a membership, including free access to GrantStation!