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Zoom Grants

ZoomGrants is an online application management system that has become a powerful and intuitive ‘best practice’ for streamlining and simplifying the entire application process for grantmakers, scholarship providers, and many others. We are proud to be known as the easiest tool to use and for providing the best customer service in the industry.

The ZoomGrants Online Application Management System is robust yet user-friendly, dynamic yet affordable, and, since it only requires a web-enabled device and an Internet browser, can be used from practically anywhere.



Federal Grant Training

Federal Grants Training provides training for grants management professionals across the United States. They offer both live and online events. Federal Grants Training also provides customized, in-person training for individual grant-funded entities. Training is available for all types of grant-funded organizations, including nonprofits, colleges and universities, hospitals, governments, and tribal entities.



Instrumentl is the most loved all-in-one grants platform. Say goodbye to your endless grant sleuthing and updating of manual spreadsheets. Get organized and get results with your grant process: use Instrumentl for end-to-end grant management. 

With Instrumentl, you can:


• Discover funders and new grant opportunities
• Research and identify best-fit funders in seconds
• Track and manage grant opportunities
• Measure and report grant outcomes 

Over 3,000 nonprofits, grant consultants, and institutions use Instrumentl as their single source

of truth for grants. You too can enjoy easier grant collaboration & improved visibility across all

phases of the grants lifecycle.

GPA members receive two months free with an annual plan subscription.

Start your 14-day free trial at


Spark The Fire Grant Writing

Spark the Fire, founded in 2003, is a leading provider of professional development in grant writing. Led by GPA approved trainer, Allison Jones, M.Ed., trainings leverage brain-based learning principles to empower individuals and organizations to enhance funding capabilities. Offerings include an assessment-based Certificate in Fundraising course, the Business of Freelance Grant Writing, monthly webinars, weekly blogs, grant writing services, coaching, templates, and more. Widely acclaimed by participants, many describe it as the 'best grant writing class they have ever taken.