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AI & Grants

GPA Statement on Artificial Intelligence

Adopted by the GPA Board of Directors, June 10, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) and other large language models (LLM) alone are not a threat to the
grants profession. Grant professionals write with emotion. AI/LLM cannot. Grant professionals
can collaborate and form collaborations. AI/LLM cannot. Grant professionals create and foster
transformational relationships that empower those they serve. AI/LLM lacks emotional
intelligence; it cannot shake your hand or pick up the phone and call a funder. While AI/LLM
could build a budget, it cannot ensure funds are allowable, allocable, reasonable, and
necessary or that it meets your internal procurement policies or reflects your organization’s
mission and values. AI/LLM cannot take into account anything that does not already exist within
its dataset, including oral traditions, potential partnerships, and more.
AI/LLM is a productivity tool, like any other tool in our arsenal. The ethical use of AI/LLM can
potentially increase our productivity and save time in completing mundane tasks (e.g., research,
template creation). Being more efficient in these areas allows us to build collaborations and
relationships that AI/LLM cannot.

GPA Plan to Support GPA Members

This AI/LLM statement from the GPA Board of Directors is not a one-time reflection of our
thinking on AI/LLM. Rather, it is a beginning point for the work we have before us. GPA will offer
specific technical assistance, training, and other guidance. Our initial thinking about the
supports in this dynamic area includes the following (not all-inclusive):

  • Collaborating with the Ethics and Publications committees to address member concerns
  • Soliciting feedback from members on their current use of AI/LLM and their concerns
  • Developing skill-building around key AI/LLM areas (e.g., prompt engineering)
  • Focusing upcoming GPA Community Connect events on AI/LLM to enable member
    discussions in a safe space
  • Utilizing the Grant News Weekly to highlight select AI/LLM approaches from the field
  • Designing other professional education events for GPA members

Examples of AI/LLM Applications

The GPA Board considers the advent of AI/LLM as a technology disruption that certainly
impacts the grant profession. And, like any tool, it has both positive and negative implications.
But this is not the first time a new tool or process has shaken our thinking, nor will it be the last.
GPA will approach AI/LLM from a change management approach; that is, we will look for
positive ways to utilize these new tools in ethical ways in the daily work of our members.
As a first step, we offer the following examples of ethical, time-saving ways to use AI/LLM. Each
of these strategies are currently in use by GPA Board members.

  • Research and collecting data sets: Reputable sources must also be verified.
  • Project name generator: Describing a project, and it will suggest some names.
  • Finding quotes: A quote is sometimes a good opener, depending on the funder.
  • Grant research: It may be helpful to find funders that are aligned with your mission.
  • Meeting word counts: Asking AI/LLM to cut an original 550 words to 500 words.
  • Obtaining background and context on an issue: Conducting high-level discovery
    activities to become more familiar with unfamiliar topics.


Whether we individually adopt AI/LLM in our daily work is irrelevant to the value we bring to the
grant profession and our respective employers/clients. The skills and knowledge we bring to our
field are unique and enduring. We are proud of the work we do and the ethical standards we
abide by, regardless of the tools we use in our work. GPA will continue conversations and
support. To that end, the GPA Board has approved the following statement on the GPA Code of
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Tools Using Large Language Models.